Just because they say so…

Public Service Announcement:

Just because a cheater says so…

…does not make it so!

Remember that you are hearing words coming from a proven liar. That is what all cheaters are: proven liars.

When they say things about you and your marriage, you have to discount that with this fact about their deficient character. They are not reliable in what they say. So, please stop giving their words so much power to define you in your own heart and mind!

A cheater who tells you the affair is over is also suspect.

They have lost the benefit of the doubt by actually cheating on you and thereby abusing your previous trust. Cheaters now have to show that they are speaking the truth for people who are engaging them with wisdom.


You are dealing with a proven liar.

The world is not the way they say it is just because they say so (and possibly even believe so). That is not how reality and truth works. Lies and falsehoods are not truth and reality.


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