Leads to destruction

You can rationalize it all you want and justify the path of error you have chosen, but you’ll find out in the end that you took the road to destruction.

-Proverbs 14:12, TPT

“I have to follow my heart,” says the cheater.

“God would want me to be happy,” says the cheater.

“I have to be true to myself,” says the cheater.

This proverb is a warning to cheaters. I have little doubt many cheaters are completely convinced they are in the right in doing whatever they are doing.

They have convinced themselves of their “plan.”

The problem is this plan is in conflict with God’s. They are in sin. Such can only lead to spiritual death and destruction.

This is the cold, hard spiritual reality.

Adultery only leads to destruction. It can do nothing less as it is sin and an act of defiance directed towards God.

A cheater can believe his or her own “press.” But that does not change the spiritual reality. They can even deceive others about it. That still does not change the spiritual reality.

Destruction is the destination of those who defy God and insist on walking the path of sin.