Like a healed broken bone in a weather change…

While I would never willing give up what I have with Mrs. DM and Munchkin, I sometimes feel the pain of what was lost with my ex-wife.

This is grief talking.

What I often tell my patients is not to judge our feelings. They are not good or bad. Feelings just are.

We get into trouble when we judge (and condemn, usually) our emotions.

Like a change in weather can bring back the ache of an old wound long-healed, certain circumstances or anniversaries have a way of bringing back the ache of  what was lost. At least, that is my experience.

And that is okay.

It simply means we cared about our marriage and what went with it. That is a good thing. The good and godly thing is to care about such things.

I encourage you to be kind to yourself in these moments of such echoing grief.

Feel the feelings. Let them know that you see them and do not judge them. It is hard to loose something that matters to you. There’s nothing wrong about having feelings about that.