Mountain of God

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?

The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior.

-Psalm 24:2a, 3-4, NIV

Trust your vindication to God.

Cheaters swear by a false god. That false god is their egos. They have worshiped at the altar of their own selfish desires. In pride, they refused to consider their covenant made with their spouse and God.

Yet, we do not have to live as the punisher.

We learn from this psalm about how God rewards those who do not worship at the altars of idolatry. He is looking for the faithful. AND HE WILL VINDICATE THEM!

God’s blessings are so rich for those who seek Him and remain faithful unto Him. While it might look like idolaters get away with all the fun, they are exchanging real gold (relationship with Heavenly Father) for fool’s gold (what the world has to offer).

Do not envy them.
They will not be able to ascend the mountain of the Lord. God does not vindicate idolaters.

But He does those of us who hold firm to Him. He offers us a place in His House, which is the richest of rewards. HE is the prize!!!

Relationship with the One who made us and who overflows with abundance is what we were made for!