Not even a sparrow

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.

-Matthew 10:29, NIV

I am a parrot owner. This is a somewhat recent development in my life. I learned of Mrs. DM’s love of birds after we were married for a couple of years.

Honestly, I believe part of her plan was to get me hooked on owning a parrot so that I would never get a cat again. Well, it has worked so far.

I wouldn’t risk any of my parrots getting attacked by a cat; so, I have to enjoy the cats at others’ houses. The sacrifices we make for the ones we love; pets included.

Since owning parrots, I have become more attuned to the wild birds as well. Even sparrows touch my heart in ways they did not in the past.

Below is a cute short video of a sparrow flock bathing in an impromptu bird bath on our walkway:

As I watch these birds and the parrots at home, I am reminded of the verse out of Matthew 10 about God’s care for us.

The temptation when going through painful times is to believe the lie that God does not see or care. This verse reminds us that God both sees and cares. He cares even for the little sparrow.

It may not feel that way. However, this is when faith is needed. We get to choose to believe the truth of God loving and caring for us.

Let the birds in your life be a reminder of His love and care for you, today!