Opposes the proud

As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

-James 4:6b, NLT

Did you catch that? “God opposes the proud.”

This is at the core of the cheater problem–i.e. pride. They believe they are more important than their spouse, and they are believe that they are entitled to their sinful behaviors.

The teaching out of James is another reason Cheaters ought to pause in considering God’s opinion of them and their behavior.

Yet, most are too blinded by their pride. Some do not see the arrogance of suggesting God is making them happy through their illicit behavior. They think it is all about them!

That is why they act all entitled when you attempt to “reconcile.”

They think they are always a prize. That is the pride speaking. Sadly, until the cheater humbles themselves, there is no hope for them spiritually speaking. There certainly is no hope for rebuilding a marriage after adultery without such humility, which is rare.

Without humility, Cheaters will find out that they have Divine opposition. At least, that is what this verse tells us.

2 thoughts on “Opposes the proud”

  1. “they are believe that they are entitled to their sinful behaviors.”

    To carry it out, they also believe they are entitled to a faithful spouse.

    My cheater’s adultery partner/wife told my daughter in law that she believed God sent her to my husband just when he needed her. My daughter in law was horrified, and she told her that God does not send a woman to take another woman’s husband. Quite frankly I don’t think adultery partner came up with that gem, she was dumb as a stump, and no history of any Christian faith. I am certain that came from cheater pants to try and sanctify their behavior. I am betting he didn’t say that to our preacher.

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