Please, please, get angry (but do not sin)!


“‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath….”

-Ephesian 4:26, NKJV

God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

-Psalm 7:11, KJV

Anger can be a gift.

We ought to become angry over unrighteousness as God is angry over such things. To reflect our Father’s heart, we ought to have such anger.

Yet we are called to channel the anger properly and not sin.

Anger can give you the energy that you need to escape a dangerous situation with a cheater. It may give you the strength to leave their abuse. In that, the anger is a gift from God.

You do not deserve such abuse. Nobody does.

I wish more pastors would talk about the positive value of anger. It is not always wrong or destructive. Sometimes, we are angry because we reflect God’s heart on a matter. This is good.

Faithful spouses dealing with adultery ought to become angry with the cheater. This is healthy.

Now, that does not mean the faithful spouse gets a free pass to sin against the cheater. It simply means the faithful spouse ought to experience the healthy emotional response to such a boundary violation. They need this energy to make decisions to protect themselves. That is right and good.

So, please, please get angry! This is godly. Yet, do not sin.