Podcast resource on topic of biblical forgiveness

Forgiveness is such a tricky subject to handle as it comes to marital infidelity. Many Christians–including pastors and counselors–get it wrong as to what it means to forgive.

Today, I am including a link to a recent podcast by Julie Roys, The Roys Report, as she explores the topic of biblical forgiveness:

“What Does Forgiveness Really Look Like?”

In this podcast, she interviews Pastor Chris Braun, author of Unpacking Forgiveness, as he tackles this thorny subject. I applaud how he handles the topic in this podcast.

He talks about our role as the wronged party of offering forgiveness like an unwrapped present–in other words, we make it available. However, the person is not truly forgiven until–or unless–he or she repents and thereby receives the gift. Some, sadly, will never do this, of course.

Hope you are blessed and encouraged as I was to hear some sound, biblical teaching on forgiveness.