Preaching “Thou Shalt Not Divorce” as if part of Ten Commandments!

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

-Exodus 20:14, KJV

A pet peeve of mine these days is hearing fellow pastors condemn divorce from the pulpit.

It might come in the form of a lament of people going “the easy way.” Some might be bold enough to call out divorce as “evil.”

The odd thing is they fail to see how they are preaching their own culture’s values. These are not God’s. God was divorced, too, after all (see Jeremiah 3:8).

What is called “evil” is adultery, not divorce (Deut. 22:22)

What is explicitly prohibited and condemned in the Ten Commandments is adultery, not divorce (Ex. 20:14).

What brings God’s judgment is adultery, not divorce (Heb 13:4).

So, that means these pastors are preaching a false teaching. They are preaching prejudice–namely, divorce prejudice. And it is hurtful to faithful spouses plus innocent family members impacted by cheaters.

Energy is better spent condemning the sins of adultery and other forms of abuse. These are wrong always.