Pro-Tip: Stop engaging in arguments about you “deserving it!”

A sage trying to work things out with a fool
    gets only scorn and sarcasm for his trouble.

-Proverbs 29:9, THE MESSAGE

Arguing Over Why You “Deserved It”

This is a wasted argument.

It is like talking with someone with your face still bleeding and him/her asking you what you did to deserve having your partner punch you in the face.

You are arguing with a fool at that point.

Same thing when it comes to adultery. It is worse than a bloodied face. And the wounding is just as intentional–or worse than–a punch in the face.

Anyone–cheater or cheater apologist–trying to argue with you over “your part” fails to recognize this fact. Even by asking for “your part,” they are signaling a belief that adultery is justifiable to some degree. That is a wicked assumption.

In my opinion, it is not worth arguing with such people.

Tell them that arguing over “your part” over being soul raped is an insensitive and ungodly question as it assumes the adulterous spouse was justified in victimizing you. If they are unwilling to grasp that, then it is best to walk away.

As Scripture says, all you will get is scorn and sarcasm from them.

It is not worth the argument.

*A version of this post ran previously.


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