PSA: Contempt indicates the marriage is truly DONE!

When a wicked man comes, contempt also comes, And with dishonor comes scorn.

-Proverbs 18:3, NASB

Public Service Announcement (PSA):

When a cheater shows contempt for you, it is time to leave the relationship.

I am talking more than simply the act of cheating–which is truly an act of contempt. Rather, I am talking about interactions with the cheater where they express verbally a position of contempt towards you, their victim. They dismiss your pain as coming from a lesser being. The interaction feels like a dehumanizing experience coming from the haughty cheater in general. That is signaling the presence of contempt.,

This situation is unsafe! A person expressing contempt towards you does not take your feelings into account if they hold you as “worthy” of contempt.

Such contempt is indication of a heart far from repentance.
You have nothing to work with in that scenario. The marriage is truly and fully dead.

Pride and arrogance has consumed the heart of the cheater to the point where he or she sees you as less than human.

It is the opposite of the necessary virtue of humility needed to repair a relationship. Anyone who is viewed with contempt is dismissed. That is not a working situation rebuilding a mutual relationship.

Reconciliation is not a possibility as long as contempt is present.

That is why I believe contempt signals, “It’s over!” That marriage is NOT coming back to life.     ________________
*A version of this post ran previously.

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