PSA: Do not send a list of why you want her (or him)!

Public Service Announcement (PSA):

Do not send your cheater a list of reasons you want to remain married to them!

Yes, I learned this one the hard way. Such a list only invites entitled contempt from the cheater.

The last thing a cheater needs is someone stroking their ego. They already think they are awesome–even though, they are not.

So, do not write or send such a list to them!

Your energies are better spent writing a list of reasons that they stink. The start of this list ought to be their cheating and lying. Remind yourself how selfish this person is. That is reality.

It is best to face reality and not see the cheater as if he or she is worthy of our love. They are not. Cheaters have treated our precious hearts and lives as what is in their own heart–i.e. disgusting trash.

2 thoughts on “PSA: Do not send a list of why you want her (or him)!”

  1. Yes. These are true words of wisdom. Although, I did not make a list, I did, somewhat, the opposite. I persistently begged God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to change my ex-husband’s heart and save him and our marriage. I was desperate back then. However, today, when I think back about it and all the wasted years I was married to him, I feel completely ashamed and disgraced. SMH!

  2. I did the same as Rhonda – prayed, fasted, submitted, etc – begging God to change his heart. I stayed for 30 years doing this. In the end, I came to realize that God doesn’t change hearts. People have free will to do as they please. God changes circumstances to change hearts, but He isn’t some magician who can wave His wand over a sinner to change the will of someone who is bound and determined to remain unrepentant.

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