Reason to be concerned – Spiritual Destination of Cheaters

26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

-Hebrews 10:26-27, NIV

Do I think unrepentant adulterous spouses are going to Hell?

I would answer you with a question:

What do you think? How do you read their situation in light of Hebrews 10:26-27 (quoted above)?

-What we know is that a cheater who refuses to repent is thereby deliberately engaging in sin. They are doing this in an ongoing manner.

-If they are professing Christians, they were given saving knowledge about Jesus. That is what made them a professing Christian.

Put those things together and read Hebrews 10:26-27.

Are they going to Hell or a fiery judgment according to the Bible here? Should a unrepentant cheater be concerned?

Ultimately, God makes the judgment and choice in this matter. We can trust Him to be both good and just.

One thing is clear to me, though:

A person who really cares about the eternal destination of an unrepentant cheater has reason for concern. 


*A version of this post ran previously.


7 thoughts on “Reason to be concerned – Spiritual Destination of Cheaters”

  1. My ex husband married the affair partner two weeks after our divorce. They have been married four years now. Did their adultery end the day they married? This is her fourth marriage. They carried on the affair for three years, going to church the whole time. I had to file for divorce and it took three years because he fought it knowing the consequences of the settlement.

      1. Ok, thank you. It’s confusing because they are best friends with the pastor and his wife who did nothing to help me and knew they were living together the whole time we were married on paper. It’s been seven years and I can’t seem to get over what they did and how the church condoned it. I can only guess that he so besmirched my name they felt sorry for him. He was and is a big supporter financially to the church and helped the pastor and his wife buy a home if not buying it. Please pray I can one day get over this.

        1. Will do! There’s a lot of Pharisees in the church… Jesus kept his harshest words for them. Remember: God is not fooled and cannot be bought.

  2. Hi, I’m new to this blog and am so glad I found it because I have reason to believe my estranged husband is under demonic influence and has been for at least 2 years, brought on by his use and now abuse of cocaine, which I believe has demonic energy attached to it because of the black magic human sacrifice rituals and “Santa” Muerte worship ( idolatry) committed by the cartels.
    To cut a very long story short, I have been praying for him to repent and revert for a fair few months now. I asked him during a hoovering attempt had he lost his Faith ( he’d only ever been lukewarm, I have realised, never “all in”)? His answer was “A small bit” which is his way of saying he had lost it! It’s very difficult to regain lost Faith but God has given me the miraculous strength to put a stop to his emotional abuse of me and make him leave so I have very strong Faith now, supernatural Faith and I do believe God can perform miracles. Thus, I pray for my EH’s salvation because although I know I’d never feel safe with him again, I do not want him to be damned! I still sort of love him because up until he started taking that dirty stuff, he did love me and my son and I had no cause to doubt him.
    However, the false hope is nearly gone now because I have been praying to God to release me from false hope and to release me from the bonds of being “in love” with the man he used to be as only God knows if he will ever repent and revert, and only God knows our hearts and minds. I have to mourn as if my EH died and then heal and move on.
    I can’t stand the creature he’s become though. He’s like a changeling; callous, uncaring, deceitful, treacherous, fake! I was feeling as if my senses were dulled the last few months and looking bakc, he was almost “vampirising” me. Recnetly, since seeing through the hoover and telling him I want an anullment and divorce, I feel very anxious when he comes to the house, and tearful and upset when he’s gone. I have had to get the Gardai (Irish police) and DV shelter involved because he made a very sneaky asault on me and a veiled threat. He’s coming tomorrow morning to remove all his belongings from my property with his brother and a truck, so I am very anxious this morning AND heartbroken, as though I know I have to cut all ties with him, it’s still so painful because I have not yet stopped loving the man he used to be, for all his flaws and weaknesses!I do have hope for the future though, which I haven’t had for some time, so yet more proof of God’s great goodness! Please pray for me, and for him, because his soul is in such grave danger! God bless you Pastor and all here, from Ireland.

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