Religious lectures from cheater apologists

“But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi,” says the Lord Almighty.

-Malachi 2:8, NIV

More than one of my (now) ex-wife’s family members took it upon themselves to lecture me about how I needed to be a better Christian husband.

Instead of cleaning up their own house, these folks went on the offensive with me. The arrogance of it all just reveals a household sin matter, clearly. Humility would dictate a very different approach.

These days I find Christians who use religious words to manipulate especially loathsome because of my experience with my ex in-laws and other cheater apologists.

Some Pro-Tips:

-Don’t lecture a faithful spouse about loving your family member better when said family member is actively cheating on him/her.

-Don’t lecture a faithful spouse about godly repentance while you are enabling your family member to cheat.

-Don’t lecture a faithful spouse about how to be a godly husband (or wife) when your family member has chosen the affair partner over honoring their marriage vows.

I wish I could say these are mere fictional situations. However, they are not. They are based on some real responses. Some cheater apologists are just that arrogant and blind to the sin in their own camp.