Remember God has you through this!

Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

-Proverbs 29:25, NIV

People will likely talk. Sure.

Even–maybe especially–“Christian” people with issues with you getting a divorce from your cheater.


Do not allow the “fear of man” to paralyze you. That fear is what will get you snared in a dangerous situation.

Safety comes from trusting God will be with you as you choose not to tolerate adulterous abuse.

The important opinion is His. Others’ may and probably will hurt. That said, your well-being rests on trusting in God’s opinion over others’.

One thought on “Remember God has you through this!”

  1. Wow, I so needed to read this today. The church we went together to, totally turned their back on me, including the minister and his wife. They embraced the two adulterers, even putting them in church leadership while living together and our divorce.

    I started realizing it was because of the horrible lies he told on me.

    Here lately I have been overwhelmed with grief and anger because of my reputation being smeared and slandered so much that a church would accept adultery, etc. I’ve cried out for vindication.

    Because of your words today, I realized the only opinion that matters is the Lords! He knows the truth, He knows everything.

    I am in good standing with the Lord thru the blood He shed on Calvary and that’s all that matters.

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