Revisiting hobbies

When I was going through my divorce and recovery from it all, I started to draw again.*

This was a hobby I enjoy. It helps me to lose myself in a creative expression. I find it calming.

Maybe it reminds me of simpler times? Who knows?

I turn on the music. Pick up my pencil and start making scratches on the page.

It is good to have hobbies that are our own. When the cheater is long gone, we still have those. I think reconnecting with our hobbies is a way to reconnect with ourselves. It is a way to show love towards ourselves.

Such “self-love” is very important to recovering from an adulterous discard.

I don’t know what hobby gives you peace or joy. Maybe it is knitting? Maybe it is running? Maybe is painting? Singing in a choir?

Whatever it is, I encourage you to use it as an outlet. That is a healthy thing to do.

*Original artwork created by DM today.