RZIM connected leaders are now denouncing how Ravi Zacharias’ scandals handled

More employees at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) are publicly denouncing the leaders and board of the ministry for their handling of scandals involving founder, Ravi Zacharias. Two are calling for a new board.

-Julie Roys, “RZIM Leader & Speakers Denounce Handling of Scandals; Two Call for New Board”

Ravi Zacharias’ legacy continues to unravel.

The light of truth seems to be breaking forth. It is not a pretty picture. For those unfamiliar, Ravi Zacharias has been accused of sexually inappropriate behavior with multiple women including women who worked at spas he co-owned.

People close to RZ’s ministry are now starting to acknowledge the alleged victims are probably telling the truth about the late Ravi Zacharias. It seemed to start breaking when RZIM apologist, Max Baker-Hytch, wrote a letter to RZIM leadership about a week ago.

RZIM still seems invested in denial.

However, it is encouraging to see Christian leaders starting to stand up and speak up on behalf of the alleged victims (whom I happen to believe). Hopefully, more light will be shown upon this sad set of circumstances, and the victims will find real support from the Christian community, finally.