Seeking testimonials for my book back cover!

I  am busy finalizing edits and working on the important packaging touches for my book:

I Was Cheated On…

The Divorce Minister Guide for Surviving Infidelity and Keeping Your Faith

Today, I am asking you, my readers, for some help. I need some testimonials to share on the back of the book. It is important for people picking up this book to hear from people who have been helped by Divorce Minister.

If you are comfortable, I would appreciate a comment (paragraph at most) answering one (or more) of the following questions:

What has my ministry meant to you?

How has Divorce Minister helped you survive your spouse’s infidelity and keep your faith?

Why should people listen to me, Pastor David, on this subject matter?

If you feel more comfortable e-mailing me your comment, that would be fine as well. My email is

I will likely just list your name (so please let me know if you are comfortable with that) and the qualifier, faithful spouse or infidelity survivor.

I think it would be helpful for potential book buyers and pastors to see that this subject matter is truly helping real people.

Thanks in advance, and thank you for coming to this site! I am so grateful for all of you. It is truly an honor and humbling privilege to serve you for His glory!

2 thoughts on “Seeking testimonials for my book back cover!”

  1. Divorce Minister has helped me through a most desperate time. I needed answers for my deep questions about marriage, infidelity, resulting divorce, and faith. DM delved into the detailed specific questions I was wrestling with. I was able to dive deep into my faith while receiving healing qualified advice from a qualified minister who cares deeply about God’s Word and obedience to the LORD, and who has compassion for adultery survivors. I have found such advice and counsel to be imperative to my healing process. I am deeply grateful to God for DM and his ministry.
    I am thankful to God that He led me to DM’s site.
    Infidelity Survivor

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