Selected and wanted as a friend!

“Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn’t choose me. I chose you.”

-John 15:15b-16a, NLT

I think one of the most endearing part of owning a dog (or parrot, in my case) is how they demonstrate how much they choose and want you!

In this, they are reflecting Jesus’ heart towards you. He has selected you to be his friend. Our beloved pets are demonstrating this biblical truth that you are wanted and chosen.

I think this is a critical truth–Jesus CHOOSING you–to internalize following the awful adultery discard and rejection via divorce.

I love these words out of the Gospel of John. They are words reminding us about how the most important relationship remains intact no matter our marriage or divorce history.

We remain chosen as friends!

My encouragement to those struggling with believing this truth is to turn these verses into a prayer. Start thanking God for this truth. As we speak it in faith, we are engaging our faith muscles to move the head knowledge into heart knowledge.

Proclaiming and meditating on this truth is good medicine for the soul.

*A version of this post ran previously.