Some just love the darkness.

And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.

-John 3:19, NLT

Some people will choose the darkness over the light.

This was true in Jesus’ day, and it is certainly true today. A wise person faces this reality as it applies to adultery. Some people love their sin too much to forsake it.

Good pastoral care takes this sad fact about human nature into account.

Some people will reject the light. They have no intention to repent and turn from their sins. They (wrongfully) believe they are better off going down their current path.

And you won’t be able to convince them otherwise.

Apart from a miracle–i.e. something happen that is SUPER-natural (not how things usually go)–this person will embrace the darkness and run from the light of repentance.

That is how these things usually go.

Without God’s intervention, we are left loving the darkness. That is the reality of the unregenerate human heart. It loves darkness and lies.

The mercy of divorce allows a faithful spouse to break free from such a person (see Mt. 19:9). They do not have to go down the same destructive path paved with lies and spiritual destruction.

The faithful spouse does not have to walk lock step with a cheater who has chosen darkness over light and life.

A kind, loving, godly pastor understands this mercy and reminds the faithful spouse of it.