Soothing meditation

What do you do to calm yourself when you feel anxious?

I usually get anxious when a medical provider is taking my blood pressure. The fear of “failing” this test just makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy as my anxiety rises and with it, my blood pressure. Telling myself to “calm down” just doesn’t work. 

What I have found helpful is imagining the love of my pet at this time to lower my anxiety.

I might think about stroking my cat, Mr. Pickles. Or more recently, I think about my parrot kissing me and nuzzling me with his forehead. As I picture these experiences, I find myself relaxing. This meditative practice works wonders for me.

What do you do? Do you have a go to practice to help you find peace in the midst of an anxious situation? 

One thought on “Soothing meditation”

  1. David,

    I have a “Holy Place” which is my deck overlooking the small lake. I take it all in, the sound, the sights, the temperature and know that God is there in the midst of it. It is one of my best practices each day.

    Hope you are doing well brother.

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