Successful Chumpalooza 1.0!

What a wonderful conference!

I feel so honored to have been given time at this conference to share a little of what I have learned over the years as well as my heart. It was such a blessing to connect with fellow chumps–aka faithful spouses. Loved attending this with Mrs. DM as well. She had fun, too!

The conference also felt like a beginning.

We are starting to get the word out to people. The narrative WILL change and is changing, because we are here, and we are talking. It is exciting to be a part of this movement!

Thank you to all who attended and shared their hearts and stories with me while I was there!

You all are an amazing, precious lot! I know I was in the presence of greatness as I sat among you.

My hope is that my words offered some healing to you all as you make your way forth into your bright future.


With love,

Pastor David (aka Divorce Minister)

PS Remember: You are not alone. You are not “crazy.” And you are dearly loved.

One thought on “Successful Chumpalooza 1.0!”

  1. “We are starting to get the word out to people. The narrative WILL change and is changing, because we are here, and we are talking. It is exciting to be a part of this movement!”

    Thank you and CL and all those I don’t know who are bringing this horrible abuse to the for front. If people choose to coddle and defend lying cheaters, let them not do it in ignorance.

    This may at some point lead to divorce laws changing to allow a better ability for the betrayed to get more money to make up for the years that were stolen from them.

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