Surreal and temporary

The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

-I John 2:17, NIV

The other day I was back in my home town. It was surreal driving through the streets where I grew up.

Seeing buildings where only trees or fields existed created a surreal sensation in me. The crazy thing was realizing I was thinking about these places as they were decades earlier!

I think surviving soul rape is not unlike this experience. We might recognize places when we were together, yet things have really changed. It is a surreal experience.

My encouragement to the faithful spouses reading this today is not to lose hope.

The sharp pain is only temporary. A new life can be rebuilt from the rubble. I know as I have experienced both these things.

And that new life can be much better than the one you left behind with the cheater. That’s my experience, too.