Sweet, sticky lies

At some point, I believe our cheating (ex) spouses partnered with lies. Some became consumed by them and lost all sensitivity to truth and reality.

These were sweet, sticky lies. They were demonic lies sold to them to justify their sins. Sadly, our cheaters failed to resist them. In fact, many of them fully embraced them. Some might have even sought them out to “justify” their sins.


“God would want me to be happy (so it’s okay to cheat).”

“We were already divorced in our hearts (so it doesn’t count as cheating).”

“She did not meet my needs; so, I looked elsewhere.”

I wonder how many who come here heard a version of these lies from their (ex) spouse’s mouth. In general, cheaters are not original. Evil is very mundane…in some ways.

Ultimately, the cheater worshiped at the altar of selfish entitlement, and these were simply lies tailor-made to aid them on their way to such idolatry.