The Cheater Scramble: “How did you find out?”

“How did you find out?” says incredulous, busted Cheater.

When a cheater gets busted and their first impulse is to learn how you discovered them, you know that cheater is the opposite of repentant.

Such is pride speaking–namely, they wrongly assumed that they could deceive you forever.

Now, the cheater wants to know how they got exposed so that they can shore up that vulnerability. The cheater is demonstrating through that response that they do not care at all about the faithful spouse and the harm they’ve done to them.

I wonder how many who come here got this response from their cheater when he or she was confronted with the truth of their cheating?

Such a response is a sad commentary on how sick the soul of the cheater is. They are still running from God.

How the faithful spouse found out about the cheating is far less important than the fact cheating was taking place!

People who care about both the cheater and the faithful spouse will not lose sight of this truth. They will understand such sin is a major matter than needs addressing.

Changing the subject to how such information came to light is just another cheater tactic to avoid accountability. It helps no one spiritually in the end (see 2 Cor. 5:10).


3 thoughts on “The Cheater Scramble: “How did you find out?””

  1. My cheating wife no longer bothered to hide her feelings for her swamp creature. Her affection for him and contempt for me were as evident as the rotten stench of curdled milk. That’s the best way I can describe it now. It’s like emotional flatulence that off gassed into my life that won’t fully dissipate no matter how many windows and doors are opened.

      1. She told me that was the game. I was supposed to be the bad person. She’d done the deed and I was supposed file. It was nice that she figured out everyone’s roles for them. It was only natural that she was the star of the show.

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