The Joy of Independence

Dealing with an (unwanted) divorce can leave one focusing on losses…

…yet there are gains as well.

On this July 4th, I want to highlight the gains of independence. I remember enjoying that independence after divorce. It was a truly nice gift.

Enjoying our independence following a divorce from a cheater is an important step towards healing. We need to relearn to befriend ourselves and discover what might have remained suppressed in the now dead marriage.

I did homemade pizza and movie nights alone for myself weekly.

Instead of embracing the cheater narrative that something was wrong with my introverted self, I embraced that self. It was freeing.

As I lived into my new freedom, I discovered that I liked myself. I will never forget the season when that light bulb went on…it was about three months after my official divorce.

Independence is a gift. Use it to cultivate a friendship with yourself so that one day you, too, will discover that you like yourself!

Here’s a little (not so) secret:

God already does (like you as you)!