The “not a problem” problem

“This is the way of an adulterous woman:
    She eats and wipes her mouth
    and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’”

-Proverbs 30:20, NIV

The “Not a Problem” Problem

Some cheaters are so far gone that they genuinely see no problem in cheating. They have believed the lies “justifying” their wicked sins.

This is a problem.

I believe it is a problem many churches and Christian leaders make worse by refusing to disabuse the cheater of their “justifying” lies. It is part of the pavement on the broad highway to destruction for cheaters.

Plus, this treatment of infidelity is hurtful to faithful spouses.

The most awful betrayal known to intimate human relationships is treated as less than a problem or otherwise minimized. Talk about invalidating!

A cheater unwilling to acknowledge the cheating as a problem is an unrepentant cheater.

They have to see the problem before any hope remains for addressing it. A cheater not acknowledging the infidelity as a major problem is a cheater still clinging to his or her sin.

The cheating is not a problem in their eyes as it serves their (sinful) desires. That is all that matters to the cheater.

Yet serving the sinful desires of “man” is a serious problem in the eyes of God. Better to sort that here and now than later!