Those dang old memories…

Grief comes in waves.

It ambushes you sometimes from nowhere.

I was collecting pictures for an old friend who knew me in my previously married state. In fact, he was the best man at that wedding–i.e. the wedding where I married my cheater.

So, it is not surprising the review of those photos brought back some painful memories.

Part of me is forever lost. It died with my first marriage. So, it is not surprising memories of that time bring sadness with them.

I share this for those of you, faithful spouses, who have days where the grief comes back at you even years after the traumatic end of your marriage.

It is normal.

You are simply acknowledging a reality:

You lost something(s) that mattered dearly to you.

That said, do not worry about me. I am fine. In fact, I am so grateful for where I am today. God has truly set me up in a life I feel I don’t deserve. You see, God is the giver of extravagant gifts. It is how He rolls!

And I hope you experience this aspect of our great God for yourself–namely, His extravagant goodness!

If you find yourself in that place of sadness today, I hope you remember such does not reflect poorly upon you.

It is completely normal to feel sad over losing something(s) of significance–and your marriage plus future dreams in that context certainly qualifies.


*A version of this post ran previously.