Top 5 DM Posts of 2018

Top 5 Most Viewed Posts in 2018:

The following posts garnered more than a thousand views each this past year. I have linked to each one with their title (just click on the title). And I have given a brief summary after each.

Without further ado…

5. Kept It On to The End

This is a little practical teaching on where I stand on this real world question: When do I take off my wedding ring?

My opinion and stance is clear from the title. Keeping my wedding ring on until the official divorce was done was a personal decision that I felt I needed to do for my own integrity.

4. Is it really “just” an emotional affair?

This is a perennial top five. In this post, I talk about how cheaters have sick incentives to “only” admit to an emotional affair. This is especially true in Christian circles.

3. God’s Emotional Response to Adultery

I quote Scripture at length in this post. My point is to correct the misconception in Christian circles that the problem lies with the faithful spouse’s anger over adultery (assuming the faithful partner isn’t sinning in it). Actually, the problem lies with the lack of righteous anger in the Christian community over something that clearly moves God to righteous anger.

2. Forsaking all others

I talk about appropriate boundaries with outside relationships. In particular, I help explain how excluding some relationships–like with a former affair partner or quasi-affair partner–is not only NOT controlling but HEALTHY for the marriage. It is a proper boundary.

1. Nancy Ortberg shares her side re:Bill Hybels allegations

This was a big story in 2018. Rev. Bill Hybels’ fall from the megachurch pedestal known as Willow Creek Church in Chicago, IL. In this post, I share some of my reflections on insights divulged by an insider–Nancy Ortberg–regarding allegations about Bill Hybels inappropriate relationship with the opposite sex.