What if the miracle IS the merciful divorce?

Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning….

-Job 42:12a, NKJV

What if the divorce is the mercy or “miracle” you truly need?

It feels blasphemous to even raise this question. However, I think it is a legitimate question. Sometimes, the divorce is the best of bad options for a faithful spouse.

In fact, I believe God gave us divorce as a mercy for faithful spouses to preserve our lives from abusive cheaters (see Jeremiah 3:8, Mt 19:9, etc).

To be honest, my divorce felt like the worst thing that ever happened to me when it was made official back in 2012. I did not see it as mercy. It felt like defeat. So, if that is how you feel, know you are not alone in having those feelings.

Yet, God knew I needed to be set free from that first marriage from an unrepentant cheater.

The divorce was the gateway into the amazing new life God has provided for me today. Without that divorce, I probably would not have moved back to my home state. I, certainly, would have never met Mrs. DM and clearly, would never have become a father to Munchkin.

Even though it hurt back in 2012 when God did not give me the miracle of a restored first marriage, I am grateful today for the other “miracle(s)” He gave me instead!