What treatment will you tolerate?

What treatment will you tolerate?

Faithful spouses, we have choices. We have agency in these matters. Those choices or options are not very good ones, true. It is a buffet of bad options.

But we DO have choices!

We do not have to stay in an adulterous and abusive marriage (see Mt 19:9). The option to leave is provided to us by God as a mercy. Life can and DOES get better apart from that abusive cheater!

You get to decide whether or not you will continue to accept the treatment your cheater is dishing out!

You do not have to stay.

God gives you the option of leaving (see Jer 3:10, Mt 19:9, etc). The constant mind games and attacks on your worth are not normal or reasonable to continue to tolerate.

Take the merciful option and watch as God unfolds your new, better life!

2 thoughts on “What treatment will you tolerate?”

  1. I took some awful treatment from my ex the last few months of our marriage, by that I mean him screaming at me; staying out all night and coming home and telling a ridiculous lie; things like that.

    I felt stupid that I allowed it, and kept quiet; I shouldn’t have.

    If I had the information available to me then that is available now, I think it would have helped me a lot.

    I am so glad supporters like this site are available now to the newly betrayed.

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