While expensive, breaking free worth it!


Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another.

-Romans 13:8a, NLT

When dealing with divorce, you are dealing with a financially devastating situation. It is painful.

Maybe you set aside your career for this person? Maybe you are relying on them as you try to find your next job? Maybe you were doing fine and now your cheater wants to take half with her?

That isn’t even factoring all the costs when it comes to mutual kids. Divorce is hard on the bank account.

When getting free of a cheater, I found it was immensely helpful when I found a job that could support me. (It helped that it was several states away from her as well.)

Money isn’t everything. However, the necessities of food, clothes, and shelter cost money.

Making sense of how to survive financially is an important part of breaking free and recovering from a cheater. It will be hard, most likely, in the short-term.

But being free of an adulterously, abusive spouse is worth the cost, in my opinion.



*A version of this post ran previously.