Yes, some people are THAT bad!

But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning.

-I John 3:8, NLT

One of the hardest parts of dealing with a cheater is believing the dark reality of what their behavior means.

I know my experience was growing out of a naivete where I struggled to believe she did what she actually did. We do not want to believe the person we married was capable and actually did such things.

Sadly, we are all capable of evil. Some people actualize this evil through committing adultery, and somehow live remorselessly regarding it.

It has hard to believe the things cheaters do:

-They will cheat on their pregnant wives.

-They will steal marriage assets while forcing their spouse to live in poverty as if they never had any money.

-They will attend marriage counseling and vilify their spouse while cheating on them.

-They will declare God is good with them while refusing to forsake their adulterous partner.

-They will abandon their own children for their affair partner!

Cheaters have terrible character. This verse from I John 3 suggests to whom they belong as demonstrated by their unwillingness to stop sinning.

They are THAT bad!