Yes, THAT devious!

The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth.

-Proverbs 12:22, NLT

Yes, THAT devious!

I doubt I am the only one who struggled to believe my (now) ex-wife was that devious. It is kind of baked into a healthy marriage that we give each other the benefit of the doubt.

This is one of the hard lessons to learn and believe as a faithful spouse:

Your cheater is untrustworthy at a profoundly deep level!

This might manifest in hidden debt taken out in your name. It might show up in hidden money accounts that the cheater squirreled away claiming the family was “broke.” It might mean the cheater engages in counseling just to soften you up to take less in a divorce.

Do not put yourself at the mercy of a proven liar!

This is why having a good, tough divorce lawyer is so important. Even more important is having true friends who understand this basic lesson about cheaters.

You cannot afford to be naive during these times!

Yes, I know it is hard to make this shift. However, the longer you deny reality, the higher the cost and the greater the pain that you will endure.

Yes, they are THAT devious!

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