You are wanted.

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

-Ephesians 1:4, NLT

When going through a divorce–especially against one’s will and/or with infidelity involved–the lies of rejection and shame are almost tangible.

This is a time to hone in on the truth found in the Bible about how we are chosen, accepted, and loved by our good God. These are truths that our hearts need to hear in this trying time.

Part of moving head knowledge to heart knowledge is meditating on the truth. Music can help, too.

This verse from Ephesians 1:4 is a beautiful expression from God about how He feels about you.

It is settled. You are accepted. You are chosen. You are loved.

Nothing a cheater does or says can change these truths.

They do not have the power to change how God feels about you. So, that means we have a choice:

Do we believe our cheater (including what negative things others are saying) or do we believe God?

Renew your mind with the truth.

Choose to walk out your faith by verbally agreeing with this verse. Read it aloud as your prayer. Personalize it thanking God for this verdict.

Thank you God that you chose me and loved me before you even made this world! I am comforted choosing to believe this truth that the Creator–you–want me as someone you love and always have. Thank you! Amen.

The more we remind ourselves of the truth the easier it becomes to believe this truth and for our heart to feel that truth.