You want to believe the denials, but…

You want to believe the denials,


…you know the truth in your gut, and it feels awful.

Some cheaters deny the truth for months or longer after getting caught. Others admit it (to varying degrees).

Yet cheaters know that we are predisposed to believing their lies. Who wants to believe a loved one was living a double-life? I know I didn’t want to believe it.

So, the cheater uses this predisposition to continue their deception. It is sad and sick.

We can only heal once we have a clear view of the truth. Lies feed into the self-doubt. It continues the victimization, in my opinion.

Count yourself fortunate if your cheater didn’t deny the cheating when caught.

You are further along in the healing process in that sense. You don’t have to do battle with your self-doubt about the fact of the cheating. At least, that is something.