The Pastoral Affirmation Need

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.

-Isaiah 42:3a, NIV

Divorce Minister exists to a great part because it speaks to a need I felt in my darkest days. The need for pastoral affirmation and support while going through infidelity discovery and divorce.

When my marriage was coming to the end, I had plenty of Christians and pastors pushing me to forgive and work on “my contributions.”

What was rare was a pastor or Christian friend who affirmed me and refused to agree with me taking blame for my (now ex) wife’s actions.

Divorce Minister exists to fill this void for faithful spouses.

The need is real.

Literally, tens of thousands flock to this website from around the globe. People are hungry for spiritual shepherding through the dark and messy days of infidelity discovery.

The pastoral affirmation that the faithful spouse is NOT at all responsible for being sinned against via infidelity is as needed today as it was when this blog was born.