PSA: To cheat is a choice!

Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.

-Hebrews 13:4, NLT

Choosing to cheat is just that…


It is a sinful choice. And a God-defying choice. A choice that the chooser explicitly said, promised, and vowed before God that they would not choose.

Yet they did choose.

They cheated.

I grow weary of all the excuses people make for adulterous spouses. The excuses and blameshifting needs to stop. This is not that difficult.

Who chose to cheat?

Wouldn’t it make sense to hold that person accountable for that choice as opposed to the person with whom they broke their vows by cheating?!

Whatever the state of the marriage, that does not change this very important historical fact:

The cheater was the one doing the choosing as it came to choosing adultery!

The faithful spouse did not.

Do we really want churches and communities where we hold victims responsible for choices made to harm them? I don’t.

So, let’s stop doing that as it comes to blaming adultery victims for adulterous detonated marriages.

One thought on “PSA: To cheat is a choice!”

  1. The Bible does not blame the innocent! It calls such actions treacherous in Malachi!
    Mark 9:42
    Luke 17:2
    1 Corinthians 8:13
    Matthew 18:6
    All warn against causing others to sin.
    Adultery is NOT just another sin!
    When laws, churches, therapist etc excuse adulterers and demand that spouses, children, congregations (everyone) excuse, accept, and even embrace this evil as “good”, I believe that they have joined ranks with the adulterers and are trying to force the “victims” to as well!

    Where in the Bible does God, Jesus, John the Baptist, Paul excuse adultery?They say to repent, stop it, turn from it (run like Joseph). They do not say to follow it through unto completion (like Herod and Heradeous) so that repentece is not necessary. John the Baptist had his head chopped off for calling them out on following adultery through with divorce & remarriage. He called their marriage unlawful. He didn’t tell them to go apologize, admit “it” was wrong, accept Jesus, wait for the statute of limitations to be up, or be baptized so they could continue in their unlawful sin relationship. He remained faithful to God, stood firm on the Word of God and did not give into the pressures of the world — no wonder he is called the greatest prophet ever!

    God calls us to repentance and to keep His commandments. He warns us against adultery and causing the innocent & children to sin. He forgives sins that we are willing to repent from (He is powerful enough to help us turn from them). God’s forgiveness does not create loop-holes, or remove the sin from sin. Jesus died and rose again to save us FROM sin, not so that we could continue in it!

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