Still Work – Either Way

Divorcing a cheater is not the end of the healing process. It is NOT an “easy out.”

Anyone who has gone through the experience could tell you as much. The divorce is often just the beginning.

True, it might be easier to heal from abuse–I consider adultery and all the lies with it abuse–from a cheater divorced from said cheater. But that does not make it easy.

It is work–hard work–if you stay married to a cheater (hopefully, only if cheater is fully committed to repentance). And it is work–hard work–if you divorce (or are divorced by) a cheater.

Adultery is a soul-level trauma.

Divorce does not miraculously heal that trauma. However, it does remove the actor who inflicted said trauma on your soul. Sometimes, that is a necessary first step to healing.

This is particularly the case where the actor is a cheater who is committed to continuing in the infidelity and blaming the faithful spouse for the abuse.

But make no mistake. It is a first step of many, many steps to healing and wholeness.

This is not an easy journey whether or not your soul-assailant is along for the ride as an actual helpful partner or not.