A decade of divorce

Today marks the ten year anniversary of my divorce.

Looking back today, I am so grateful for the mercy of divorce. It cleared the way for the best things in my life today–namely, Mrs. DM, Munchkin, and my bird buddies.

I have such a rich life today, which is only possible because I am no longer married to that cheater.

Today was not in sight when I was officially divorced a decade ago. It was an especially devastating day as I had hope up to that date that my Cheater would repent. It didn’t happen.

But I am here to encourage you in similar situations today:

It gets better. Divorce–while painful–can clear the way to a MUCH better life than the one you had with your cheater!

I know, because that is what God did for me post-divorce. You may not see it today; but trust God and know that God honors righteousness.