A Lesson after looking back…

Friends, pastors, and counselors can be valuable resources; however…

….you will ultimately be the one who has to live with your decision about your marriage and answer for it before God (see 2 Cor 5:10).

One of my mistakes in my marriage’s dissolution years ago was allowing far too many people into the inner sanctum of that experience. I think I was seeking validation and support.

To say that I did not always get validation and support from some of those invited inside would be an understatement.

I would recommend being choosy in who you let “in the know.” Remember, too, that they are not living your life, and they do not get to make decisions for you unless you give them that power.

Sometimes, as I found, you will need to cut ties with some who may end up coopted by the cheater or those who feel the “need” to maintain “neutrality” on cheating abuse.

As they say, “hindsight is 20/20.” Learn from my mistakes.