Battling “Your” Thoughts

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…

-2 Corinthians 10:5, KJV

The Enemy is in your head.

He is whispering all sorts of lies to separate you from God. The Enemy wants you to believe you are unlovable, worthless, and utterly rejected.

These are damnable lies.

But you are going to have to fight. Satan does not go away without a fight.

And you need to remind yourself of the truth…

…especially when it does not feel true!

This is when using the Bible as a weapon is key. Pray through some key verses telling you about God’s love and acceptance of you. Combat those lies with Truth.

I have included a resource I found helpful myself for doing just that. It is by Anthony Hulsebus:

In this book, he has a chapter at the back where he has crafted prayers from the Bible to address specific lies and struggles. I recommend selecting those that resonate, typing them up, and praying them every day until you believe the truth to your core and the Enemy leaves you.

This is a spiritual battle. And our problem includes dangerous thinking. We need to be aware of this and pick up the weapons God gave us to combat those threats.


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One thought on “Battling “Your” Thoughts”

  1. I found this same book close to the time when the affair started but before I knew. I knew in my heart that I had been rejected though long before it was confirmed. It was a good book. I think I need to read it again!! Thanks for the reminder.

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