Blessed are those who embrace mourning!


Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

-Matthew 5:4, KJV

Divorcing a cheater comes with tremendous amounts of loss.

Anyone who has experienced such a divorce does not need to be told this. They have lived it.

When I look at this beatitude from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, J translated as:

“Blessed are they that choose to embrace mourning; for they shall be comforted.”

The comfort only comes following embracing the grief–i.e. mourning. We cannot avoid grief forever without suffering greatly.

It is important that we have a safe space to mourn our losses. This is a place where we can be honest with ourselves and perhaps another about things we lost in the divorce that mattered to us free from judgment and condemnation.

Refusing to mourn will only lead to a lack of being comforted. That is one loss we cannot afford.

2 thoughts on “Blessed are those who embrace mourning!”

  1. True, DM:

    However, I had no support system, whatsoever, before and during my very painful and devastasting divorce. Unfortunately, I was forced to mourn and grieve alone, the entire time. Yet, God, the Lord Jesus Christ, comforted me through it all, and He (Christ) continues to comfort me. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

    1. He does. And your situation is a big reason why I created this blog. I realized how scarce the support is for faithful spouses even in “Christian” communities.

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