Cheaters are quitters

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
    bind them around your neck,
    write them on the tablet of your heart.

-Proverbs 3:3, NIV

Cheaters have quit on the marriage.

They have decided to go outside of the marriage to feed their sinful desires. Instead of repentance, many choose to double down on the wide and easy path to destruction.

Some cheaters announced their quitting ways to their partner before their spouse learns of the other illicit relationships. It is sick.

So often, cheaters are coddled by the Christian community. Fear runs rampant over scaring them away from the marriage. Instead, we ought to face the fact that they are already gone.

They have quit on their marriage.

Cheaters have earned the label: “Quitter” and ought to wear it in our communities.

That is one way to honor marriage and not dishonor the victims of the cheater’s sinful behavior. They did not quit. Their cheater did.

Maybe if cheaters realized that is how the Christian community will see them, they might pause before choosing sin or turn from it?!


2 thoughts on “Cheaters are quitters”

  1. My ex wife told me she gave up on me before her affair even started. Quitter is an accurate epithet.

  2. Yes. This makes a lot of sense. However, the so-called Christian churches have been weak in addressing this matter, for so long, and I don’t see them making corrections for it in the near future. SMH!

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