Cheaters not behaving as if married

But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
they do not know what makes them stumble.

-Proverbs 4:19, NIV

A common theme of stories with cheaters is how they exploit faithful spouse trust.

One of those ways is to take advantage of the faithful spouse’s trust that they would not behave in ways unbecoming of a married person. I am not “just” talking about sex here.

-Cheaters might engage in clubbing on a regular and frequent basis without their spouse. They just enjoy time dancing and drinking with their “girlfriends.”

-Maybe they hangout with “the boys” multiple times a week? Sure, it means coming home in the early hours of the morning. What’s the big deal?

-The cheater might even demand such activities as necessary to “unwind” from their stressful jobs.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

These are behaviors of someone who is not embracing their married Christian identity. They are behaving like secular singles by engaging in this sort of behavior. It is a recipe leading to infidelity.

Do you really believe a clubbing wife will turn down a free drink (or two) or a dance with a cute guy? For how long?

What about a married man spending the same amount of time (or more) with his “guy” friends as he did before the wedding? If alcohol and bars are involved, this also raises questions of whether or not he is looking to cheat.

Cheaters sink into single behavior before cheating. It is naive to assume they will behave themselves when regularly presenting themselves to temptation, minimally.

Beware, faithful spouses!