Cheaters refusing to let go of “victim” identity

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

-Matthew 7:5, NIV

A blinding pride.

This is what cheaters have. They are so caught up in entitlement that they do not see or care what damage they are doing to the faithful spouse and others.

Have you ever noticed those people attacking faithful spouses for being stuck in “victimhood mentality” fail to attack cheaters in the same way?

They seem content to allow the cheater slander the faithful spouse. It is so backwards!

Faithful spouses are actual victims of the cheater’s sins. This is a historical fact. Denial of this is denial of reality.

Part of the trauma of adultery is dealing with a partner (and others) who denies the reality of such trauma.

One of the reasons, I believe, cheaters do this is because they want to be known as “the victim” in the marriage. This is their way of “justifying” their sins.

These individuals suggest their status as “victims” permits them to sin against their spouse:

It is understandable…. 

If you had a spouse like mine, you would …. too.

I had to get my “needs” met somewhere.

You get the idea.

It is a play for pity. The cheater wants pity so that they can get away with doing wicked things like committing adultery. Sadly, many Christians take the bait and give the cheater a pass.

The real danger with “victimhood mentality” is when an perpetrator of wickedness clings to this and continues making victims. I wish the Church would wake up to this truth!

One thought on “Cheaters refusing to let go of “victim” identity”

  1. Sadly, I don’t believe the church will ever see the faithful spouses as victims. They (the Church) are more concerned with forgiving the cheater at all cost, which is truly unbiblical. SMH!

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