Did she ever confess?

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

-I John 1:9, NIV

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

-Ephesians 4:32, NKJV

Did your Cheater confess their sins?

If you are like me, I am sure I will never know the full details of the cheating and deception. A confession from my Cheater is unlikely to ever happen.

According to I John 1:9, forgiveness from God comes only if we confess our sins.

We are to forgive as God forgives us. So, that suggests confession of sins is a condition for our forgiveness as well. Which makes sense, how can you truly forgive if someone is still sinning against you by lying and hiding the truth?!

Repentance must happen first before one is truly forgiven.

Forgiveness is readily available to all who are willing to come to God from a place of need and humility. Yet that is one thing Cheaters are unlikely to do as humility is usually in short supply in them.

That said, we do not need to stand in the role as the one who punishes our Cheater.

We can give our rightful claims for retribution over to God for Him to adjudicate. He is good, wise, just, and merciful. We can trust him with our experienced injustices. At least, I know I can.

Then we are free.

That is what forgiveness looks like for those of us with Cheaters who will never repent or confess.



*I am traveling this week (starting tomorrow) to a pastoral leadership conference and do not know how consist I will be in posting. My hope is that there won’t be interruptions; but if there are, that is why.