Glimpses of clarity

 “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”

-Numbers 32:23, NIV

A slip.

An admission is made.

The veil of lies is lifted for a brief moment of truth-telling.

Then it is back to the old games of denial and bold-faced lying. They cannot live in the land of light and truth.

Cheaters sometimes slip up or have a moment of truth-telling:

Maybe the guilt finally got to them and they think telling some of the truth might help? Maybe they just slipped up? Or maybe they obliquely told a truth without meaning to do so?

I wonder how many of us have experienced this with our cheater. They gave us just enough information to confirm our worst fears. Then they clammed up. Their admission is met with denial later if brought up, again.

It has to be exhausting to live in a world filled with so many lies. Only a truly, spiritually sick person can continue to live this way.

Thankfully, truth has a way of breaking through even the sickest cheater. It will shine forth at some point–even, and maybe especially, when a cheater wants to keep it hidden.

One thought on “Glimpses of clarity”

  1. My own cheater did this. She told me about how someone once made a very suggestive remark to her. It turned out it was her open contempt for me in a conversation with that person that led to the suggestive remark. I suspect it ended up leading to more, but I have no proof.

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