Gotta Choose: Good Christian or Cheater? Not both.

Good Christian or Cheater? You choose. You don’t get both.

“Christian” cheaters hate having their infidelity exposed. They despise the inconvenience it causes them. It shatters their image as a “good Christian” for anyone with a modicum of theological sense…as it ought to.  

The thing is that a cheater must choose between their life of lies and infidelity or a life in obedience to Christ, which means honoring their marriage vows. They cannot do both.


Maybe you can relate to the cheater tantrum when this reality comes home to them? Did yours rage over this simple truth?

The sad thing about this is how the cheater is consumed by what others think of them. They seem to fail to understand the problem their way of life poses for their own souls (see Hebrews 10:26-27).

It is not that faithful spouses are forcing them to choose between a lifestyle of sin or righteousness.

That is the choice Christ is giving them:

Spiritual death or life?

Just because you do not like the law of gravity does not mean you are exempt from it. The same thing goes for the laws of spiritual reality. Cheaters are not exempt just because they do not like them.         ____________ *A version of this post ran previously.

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