Hymn Encouragement… God still rules!

“This is my Father’s world:
Oh, let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.”

-“This Is My Father’s World” by Maltbie Babcock

It is rough.

These are the times to remember an eternal perspective.

God will deal with injustice ultimately.

Today, I simply want to encourage you to look to the Lord when you feel like the wrong is too strong. May this old hymn encourage you.

I have posted a modern rendition below by Gungor:

*A version of this post ran previously.


4 thoughts on “Hymn Encouragement… God still rules!”

  1. I could use some prayer support from DM and the community. Wife told me today that she wants a divorce. She had an affair and she hasn’t been the same to me since. I had been trying to reconcile but she always had one foot on the brake. It’s been 6 months.

    It has been a struggle and yesterday out of frustration I said that if she’s not in, then let’s just rip off the band-aid. I guess she thought about it and today decided to start ripping.

    So she wants in in-house seperation until she moves out next month. It’s gonna be a rough few weeks.

    I’m in a bit of shock and need to process. But ultimately I believe I did all I could. R is very difficult when I’m the only one working toward it. I would have been willing to do pretty much anything other than rugsweep the affair.

    Thanks for being here.

    1. My heart and prayers go out to you! Reconciliation is impossible with only one party willing. May God give you strength and peace in the midst of this difficult season. -DM

  2. Praying for you brother…

    It’s difficult to see today that life gets better… but it will… 3-6 months removed from abuser and your soul will start to heal.

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